In the present day and age, there is a paradigm shift in the sensibilities of the demands in the agriculture sector, with a widely spreading awareness of the benefits of Organic Farming Arihant Group for years has been delivering time and again with exceedingly pleasing results for the farmer, through its range of Organic Fertilizers. Organic fertilizers contain-only plant o animal-based materials that are either a by- product or end product of naturally occurring processes such as manures, leaves, and compost. Then microorganisms found in the soil decompose the organic material, making its nutrients readily available to the plants. They decrease . the danger of e over- fertilization because the nutrients are released slowly. The slow release of these nutrients also means they will be available over a longer period of time and less will be applications required. It improves your soil. It does this by escalating the soils ability to hold water and It nutrients. it decreases erosion and soil crusting caused by rain and wind. Using organic fertiliser adds more natural nutrients feeds important microbes in the soil the improves and structure of the soil. Chemical fertilisers do nothing to build your only Using soil. chemical fertiliser over time will deplete your valuable soil of microbes. Frequently organic matter in the form of manureor compost is added to the soil to remedy this problem. fertilisers Inorganic can sometimes leach which happens wher irrigation or rain gets below the plant root level. Excessive use of fertilisers inorganic can lead to a build-up of salts in the soil causing damage to the plant. Inorganic fertilisers are generally using manufactured fossil fuels. Organic Fertilizers often cost more-than fertilisers inorganic but over time, this extra cost may be outweighed bythe benefits it provides fertilisers Organic continue to improve the soil long after the plants have taken the nutrients they need Therefore, thelonger your soil is fed with organic fertilisers,the better its composition and texture. So, while inorganic fertiliser may be cheaper inth C short term, it adds le to the soil in the long Both organic and inorganic fertilisers provide plants with the nutrients needed to grow healthy and strong. However, each contains different ingredients and supplies these nutrients in different ways. Organic fertilizers work over time to create a healthy growing environment, while fertilizers inorganic provide rapid nutrition Determining which is better for your plants depends largely on the needs of your plants and your preferences in terms of cost and environmental impact